Easter Break

#First Day(31/3)

Had the last day of Uni before easter breaks start officially. Staying in library and online for 2 hours while waiting for Vespa Night. Knew some seniors during vespa and revise some stuffs that I have forgotten like cardio examination. Damn, so awkward when they asked me to examine patient in front of the group and i forgot everything....Luckily I did remember at last and this hard-wired the examination methods into my mind...^^

#Second Day(1/4)
Today was April Fool and I tried my best to cheat lots of people. Some of my friends got cheated when I changed my relationship status in FB and they thought that I have a gf. Hahahahaha, i should thank them by looking from other perspectives, they care about me...^.6
Went along the way to Boxhill today just to get myself a proper badminton shoes. It is my first badminton shoes since I started playing badminton. I keep wearing my running shoes for badminton as it's unnecessary that badminton shoes will improve my performance. But my running shoes is almost in "wear and tear" condition ad the shipping cost from M'sia to Melb is really costly. So, I decided to buy a badminton shoes here and asked my parents no need to ship my new nike shoes to me. Ohya, the badminton shoes costs me $100....=.="

#Third Day(2/4)
Participated in Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal today. It will be one of my best ever activities during the easter break. I really enjoyed it and it's simply awesome. Wearing scrub and asking donation from public. Some people who drives luxurious cars and wont give you a penny for donation, this is totally shit and they're stingy. I do hope that they will understand how the funds will help the children with illness and disability. Maybe when they become poor one day and no money for their children health care, and they will regret about not giving a coin. Got one rich guy gave me a funny excuse, I dont have small changes and I'm heading to church now. Actually, I wana ask him to fuck off at that time. He's driving Benz and he cant even give $10/$20 since he is heading to church and I'm sure he will give offering in church. If he can give to church why can't he give to children fundraising???Giving to church will help in maintenance, but this can save a child's life....People with non-luxurious car can offer $20, and even $50....Salute to all the kind people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to join this appeal next year for sure...^^

Havn't touch any book for these few days and I'm going out again to city tomorrow.....I think I can expect what is the outcome for my mid-sem test.....>.<

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