I'm blogging here while everyone is studying hard now for the coming monday mid semester test. Everyone is so kia su, skipping all the lectures and tutorial, forbidding their normal hobbies, scarifying their sleeping and social time just for studying. Is this calling LIFE???
I'm quite odd this time. No stress, No over study, No scarifying my sleep......Maybe I'm out of the "Box of Nerdy" or maybe just simply sick of studying hard and just for the purpose of exam. I have to admit that I was once the one that study hard and always wanted to be the top. I keep telling myself that I must get into the highest quartile for every single exams. But I've changed!!!!!!!!!!I havn't finished studying, but I'm still carry out my normal daily life. Having 8 hours of sleep every night from 11pm to 7/8am; cooking my meals even it's time consuming; playing badminton as usual (played on Wed and going to MASCA tournament for this Sunday); Facebook-ing and msn-ing as usual and not to forget to trapping ghost on facebook. I'm not as stressed as I used to be before exam, maybe that exam result is no longer a big matter for me.
Some of frenz said that the 5% exam weight looked like 50% to them...Damn swt....And sleep for few hours per day for studying, skipping all the lectures and tutorials. Haiz, is this the attitude that a doctor should have?????Ok, viewing this from other perspective, let's say tomorrow have an important exam for all the medical registrars and due to this shit attitude, all of them study at home and didn't turn up to hospital, so who is the one responsible for the patients?????No doctors in the hospital and all the ED patient die......Don't laugh, I know it is funny but this reflects what the kia-su attitude will result.
Achieving HD exam result for what???????We don't need good exam result in order to be a Good doctor!!!!!!!!Remember this my mates....haha, maybe use the good result to impress juniors is a better reason to study instead.......^^